Monday, November 16, 2009

My Ideal Job

My ideal job is work in an animal clinic, because I love and I have a connection with animals, mainly with dogs. I like the clinic because are so higenic, I don't like dirty things. I would like to work for example in the HVS (Veterinary Hospital of Santiago) because in there they have really advanced technology and also is a very clean place. It is a very prestigious Hospital, so if I work there I can aspirate a very good income. So I will have to study really hard during university. I think a Hospital is better than a private clinic because in the hospital you have more critical patients and a bigger number of them, for this you can learn much more while you are working. It is my ideal job because I love to help, and in this job you not only help the animals, you also help the families of the animal by taking care of one family member


Facebook is my favourite website because of the many thing you can do with it. I use it to play "farm ville" with my sister, have a nice talk with my friends or send a message to the people that I can't talk to. Also I comunicate with my family, for example yesterday I sent a birthday present with a little letter to London by facebook. Another benefit of facebook is the fact that you can comunicate with some old friends that you haven't seen for a long time or thougt you have miss them. When ever you have a great party there is always someone taking pictures, now with facebook you don't have to be chazing the photograph, you only have to go to your profile and you will found the hole album.
In conclution I think facebook is a very usefull website for us now a days.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Homework 12/11/09

Guys,this time you have to describe your ideal job.Excplain where you can find such a job, how did you find out about it and why it would be so special for you.150 wo ...

Homework November 11

My dear students,For this task you will have to write about a website you enjoy visiting in about 150 words. Please make the link to it since I want to see it as well.You need to say how you found and how often you visit it and finally why you like it.Make comments on your classmates´blogs ...

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

This picture was taken when my classmates and I danced for all the school to say goodbye, because we were graduating. My mother took this picture, she went to the presentation because it was a very important activity for us, and for all the parents too, nobody wanted to miss this show. She was so proud of her baby dancing in front of everyone, and for her it was also special because she graduated from the same school.This day, I was so nervous, but very happy at the same time, because I represented my class which we still call “the greens”. All my classmates suported me, so it was really exciting. This ceremony was very important to me, I fought to have a green dress, to see myself green, like a real “green member”. I will never forget that day, one of the most special days while I was a highschool student.

Homework 07/10/09

Comment on a photograph you like Write about a photograph you like. Say: Who took it What it shows When it was taken Why you like it Include any other information you think is important. Write at least 150 words. Add comments to at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Definitively, my favourite piece of technology is my ipod. I bought my first ipod some years ago, when it was a little bit difficult to get it. Then, I broke it, by accident, so I decided to buy another one. I still have the same one, my second ipod. I love it, because I can use it to do many things, like listening to music, watching pictures and videos, playing some games, using internet, and I can also use it as a calendar. It has many differents functions. The Ipod is great, it's very easy to use it, anyone could learn how to do it in a few minutes.Actually, I use my ipod every single day, in the morning, while I'm going to the University, in the evening, while I'm going home, and at night, before I go to sleep. This gadget is very important to me, because I love music, and I couldn't live without it.There are different kinds of ipods, with different colours, shapes, designes, and of course, different prices. There is an ipod for everyone.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Homework 30/09/09

Are you the techy type? Do you try to keep up with the latest technology?This week's blog assignment is to write about your favourite piece of technology.When you write your post make sure you say:What it is.When you got it.How you use it.How often you use it.Why you like it.What life would be like with out it.(150 words minimum)Include a picture.Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.