Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Definitively, my favourite piece of technology is my ipod. I bought my first ipod some years ago, when it was a little bit difficult to get it. Then, I broke it, by accident, so I decided to buy another one. I still have the same one, my second ipod. I love it, because I can use it to do many things, like listening to music, watching pictures and videos, playing some games, using internet, and I can also use it as a calendar. It has many differents functions. The Ipod is great, it's very easy to use it, anyone could learn how to do it in a few minutes.Actually, I use my ipod every single day, in the morning, while I'm going to the University, in the evening, while I'm going home, and at night, before I go to sleep. This gadget is very important to me, because I love music, and I couldn't live without it.There are different kinds of ipods, with different colours, shapes, designes, and of course, different prices. There is an ipod for everyone.


  1. you to love the iphods!! I realy like that. have a good day, kisses!

  2. Hello Martina !! I am so happy that you posted me!, but I have to say that I don´t like ipods ! I'm sorry. lol.
    I hope that you will be nice! bye.

  3. hello Martina! I have a pink ipod! I used it everyday too.
    Have a good day!

  4. Definitively, my favourite piece of technology is my ipod. I bought my first ipod some years ago, when it was a little bit difficult to get it. Then, I broke it, by accident, so I decided to buy another one. I still have the same one, my second ipod. I love it, because I can use it to do many things, like listening to music, watching pictures and videos, playing some games, using internet, and I can also use it as a calendar. It has many WF differents functions. The Ipod is great, it's very easy to use it, anyone could learn how to do it in a few minutes.Actually, I use my ipod every single day, in the morning, while I'm going to the University, in the evening, while I'm going home, and at night, before I go to sleep. This gadget is very important to me, because I love music, and I couldn't live without it.There are different kinds of ipods, with different colours, shapes, designes, and of course, different prices. There is an ipod for everyone.

    excellent! i love ipods too. they are the best I keep my life in one of them.
    just check a couple of corrections

    p.s. you got a 6.7
