Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Definitively, my favourite piece of technology is my ipod. I bought my first ipod some years ago, when it was a little bit difficult to get it. Then, I broke it, by accident, so I decided to buy another one. I still have the same one, my second ipod. I love it, because I can use it to do many things, like listening to music, watching pictures and videos, playing some games, using internet, and I can also use it as a calendar. It has many differents functions. The Ipod is great, it's very easy to use it, anyone could learn how to do it in a few minutes.Actually, I use my ipod every single day, in the morning, while I'm going to the University, in the evening, while I'm going home, and at night, before I go to sleep. This gadget is very important to me, because I love music, and I couldn't live without it.There are different kinds of ipods, with different colours, shapes, designes, and of course, different prices. There is an ipod for everyone.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Homework 30/09/09

Are you the techy type? Do you try to keep up with the latest technology?This week's blog assignment is to write about your favourite piece of technology.When you write your post make sure you say:What it is.When you got it.How you use it.How often you use it.Why you like it.What life would be like with out it.(150 words minimum)Include a picture.Comment on at least 3 of your classmates’ blogs.